In the three years that the program has been implemented in our classes, we have seen a tremendous difference in our students in language acquisition and in their social reasoning and understanding.

In the three years that the program has been implemented in our classes, we have seen a tremendous difference in our students in language acquisition and in their social reasoning and understanding.
FROM 3 TO 3® is based on three years of extensive research funded by the 
Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program. The program raises language, narrative and social understanding skills children need to succeed at school.
Dr. Mary Thelander developed the program. Hear her describe why the program works and how its three components raise children’s reading and writing skills.
Dr. Olesya Falenchuk, the program’s statistician talks about the research behind this reliable and replicable program.
Ruth Danziger cultivates the practice of storytelling as a teller and teacher in Toronto and across Canada. She tells at festivals, schools and is the director of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program where she leads workshops, mentors new storytellers and edited Grandmother Spider, a book of multicultural stories. Ruth was a storyteller for Spiral Garden and Bloorview Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital for several years and has performed on CBC television, at the Toronto and Ottawa festivals of Storytelling and at the Milk Children’s Festival at Harbourfront. She teaches at the Storytellers School and is happy to be a part of the FROM 3 TO 3® program developing oral materials and leading workshops for teachers. Ruth has participated in several multidisciplinary performances and epic tellings including the Mahabarata, and Journey to the West, the story of the Chinese Monkey King.
Julie Comay has been a classroom teacher since 1992. After working for several years as a kindergarten and special education teacher for the Toronto District School Board, she moved to the Institute of Child Study Laboratory School at the University of Toronto, where for the past 13 years she has taught children from Kindergarten through Grade 2. In 2009, she completed a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at OISE/UT, focusing on the growth of narrative and social understanding in young children. Julie has presented at a wide range of conferences and workshops on children’s storytelling and the use of traditional literature in the classroom. She is delighted at the opportunity to integrate her research interests with her practical classroom experience in the role of book consultant and program developer for FROM 3 TO 3®.